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НОW TО HIDE DRIVES WITH CMD ? Тоdау i am going to share the meethod  tо Hide Drives with CMD wіthout any thіrd раrtу расkаgе. Тhеrе аrеа sеvеrаl frее аnd duе sоftwаrе’s ассеssіblе tо hide local  drіvеs, hоwеvеr і аm nоt gоnnа mеntіоn to hіdе а local drіvе еmрlоуіng а расkаgе. In  thіs tutоrіаl і wіll shоw уоu an еаsіеst mеthоd tо hide nаtіvе drіvе with CMD. thіs mау sаvе уоur еасh саsh аnd tіmе.                           Step 1. Сlісk оn Start – Run , or just hold down windows key and press   ” R “. Step 2. Run bох will appear, kіndly type ” сmd ” аnd hіt Еntеr. Step 3. Now you will see Command promt windows, Type ” Dіskраrt ” аnd hіt Еntеr.. Step 4. Now you have to type   ” lіst vоlumе ” аnd Hit Enter to see the list of all drives details Step 5. Now i have some personal data in my drive E which i dont want any other person to peep in, So i want to hide it, For that i will...

6 Websites To learn Coding

           The below Websites will help you to learn CSS, HTML, PHP, JavaScript, CSS3, HTML5, Ruby, etc and it doesn’t require any skills . #1. w3schools #2. Codecademy #3. Code avengers #4. CodeSchool #5.TeamtreeHouse #6.Dreamincode


         1-> 2-> 3-> 4-> 5->

How To Block Websties Without Software?

How To Block Websties Without Software Steps: 1] Browse C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc 2] Find the file named “HOSTS” 3] Open it in notepad 4] Under “ localhost” Add , and that site will     no longer be accessable. 5] Done! -So- localhost –> is now unaccessable<– For every site after that you want to add, just add “1” to the last number in the internal ip ( and then the addy like before. IE: etc... Thanking You & Enjoy...

What is the Difference Between JAVA and C++ ? compare both of them.

                  Difference Between JAVA and C++ » Java is platform independent while C++ is not. Platform independent means it can be implemented and operated on various platforms without any compatibility problem. » Output of Java code is bytecode while in C++ it is executable file. When we compile any JAVA program then an output file is generated which has .class extension, this file is called bytecode. While when we compile C++ file then an executable file is generated which has .exe extension » Java does not support Pointer while C++ supports. Because java provides a secure platform and use of pointers in any language makes it insecure by various means . » Java does not support Structure and Union while C++ supports These were felt to be redundant since the class encompasses them. » Java does not support operator overloading while C++ supports. Operator overloading causes ambiguity in programs that’s why JAVA does not su...


How to ROOT Android mobile Hello friends, Now a days to Root an android device is become an important factor of hacker’s life. All needed hacking application requires root access. So in this article you will learn that how to root an android mobile. Complete your Requirement and follow the steps properly. REQUIREMENTS: Download Kingroot.  Click here to download. Fast Internet. [At least 3G] Patience   STEPS: STEP1: Install that downloaded app. STEP 2: Open and click on  Try it . STEP 3: After verifying process, click on  START ROOT . STEP 4: Wait upto 100%. [Patience is required here. Depend on your internet speed.] When this screen come to you then understand that your mobile is rooted successfully. All done……… You have rooted your android mobile. Now you can use hacking apps which need root access


HIDE your data in IMAGE or VIDEO Hello friends, learn this a new way to hide your data to any image or video. As an example, I am hiding an image to video. You can do reverse also, it means you can hide video in any image. So ready to follow steps. STEP 1: Make your file or video to rar file in which you want hide. Right click on video and click on Add to archieve carehack.rar. You will see your video.rar namein the place of carehack.rar.                                                STEP 2: Open Run by pressing CTRL+R and type cmd there.                       STEP 3: Navigate command prompt(cmd) to your folder. As I am in Desktop so I am navigating it to Desktop.                       STEP 4: Now type command, copy/b nanoware.jpg + care...


How to make multiple “same name folder” Hello friends, if you have failed in challenge to make same name folder then here I am here helping you to make it. It is so simple and just follow the steps: STEP 1: First make a folder simply with your desirable name. As an example, I am taking folder name  carehack STEP 2: Now  create  new folder. STEP 3:  Rename  folder with your previous folder name. Mind  here properly in next step. STEP 4: Press  Alt+0160  at once and you will see that nothing happens there. No need to worry about that. STEP 5: Click Enter. All done………You have created two same name folder.                         If you want to make more folder of same name then again create new folder and Press Alt+0160 two times. If you want more then press Alt+0160 many times. You can make space between pressing Alt+0160 to create multiple folders of same name. Enj...

How To Root your ANDROID device Easily

                           First of all.....WHAT IS ROOTING??? This question had definately comes in your mind if you saw  Rooting  like word at first... So this is your answer....: Rooting is the process by which you gain administrative access to your phone. Even though Android is an open source operating system, you can do many custamisation and can bring development if you have Root access such that we can call that "Rooting is the key of custamisation & development of Android" So lets start now.... Requirements : Your Android Device should have atleast 20 percent of device battery or more to begin the root process. Step 1 : On your Android Device, Open Settings > Security > Device Administration > Unknown Source (tick to enable it). Step 2 : Download and install KingRoot APK on your Android Device. Download link:  Click Here Note: Don't Forget to Download latest verson Step 3 : ...

How to make Full Backup of Android's important Files like APKs and Much More

If you are going to install a new ROM or going to format your phone data of android device but worried about loosing data then you can now freely install ROMs or format your device without loosing data by backuping your full important files...! Steps to use Titanium Backup App...:- 1.Open this link and download Titanium Backup Apk - 2.After full download install it and click Open 3.The app will ask for root permission and you should grant it. (For rooting guide see my blog previous post) 4.Then click on the Check option present at right-corner of the app. 5.Then you will see several backup and restore option. No.1 will backup all installed (user) apps (with data). No.2 will backup all system apps (with data). No.3 will backup both installed apps and system apps + their data. 6.For this tutorial I am backuping Installed app 7.A screen will appear after clicking on use app backuping option. 8.In that you can choose full app or as you wish you can unselect 9....

Simple way to see your Phone Or PC IP ADDRESS & IMEI Number..

How to see that what is your phone IP Address & IMEI number in a very simplest way. For IP Address follow this information  :- It can be done in any device which is having IP ADDRESS Just switch on the internet and click the below link: Click Here And then below the  Web Images News  you will get you IP address. (for example see this screen shot below) For IMEI number follow this information  :- Open Dailer of your phone and simply type this number: *#06# and you will get two number (if you are dual sim user) or one number(if you are single sim user) and thats the IMEI number of you phone... Done NOTE: ABOVE SIMPLE TRICKS CAN BE DONE IN ANY DEVICE SUCH AS PHONE OR PC but IMEI can be check in phones only   : ||Stay TUNNED|| 

Install CWM(Clock Work Mod) Recovery in any Android Phone.

How to install CWM Recovery in almost any Android device easily.. First of all what is recovery? Yes if you didn't know then definately you have get this question that what does a recovery do in you android and what it is... Well its an best thing used in android.It is used for many purpose such as for formating your whole internal and external storage, for clearing dalvik cache( clearing it helps to run your android fast), for making your all android phone data backup, and most interesting which is used for flashing/installing custom ROMs(I will provide step for flashing/installing any custom rom but some what later ) and you can also install any zip flashable files. Recoveries are just for developing and bring some custamisations purpose. Now I will tell you that how to install CWM recovry in your Android Phone. Its very simple... First of all download this Rom maneger(premium) cracked app from below: Download:  Link 1  |  Link 2 Then follow these steps:- 1....

Make Your Android Phone To look like a Computer Device OS..

Hello Guys!!! I'm back here with an awesome & simple trick i.e- How to create jeoulosy in your friend's mind by showing that You have turnned your Android Device into an Computer UI... Ya, its right that whatever you have read it now... So, how to do it? Yup , I have an answer. You need and Android Phone and thats all... Download  Andromium OS Beta  Apk from below: For Download:  Click Here And Install it in your phone then after click on it to open and In this App, you will need to double-click or double tap an app icon to run it. And The apps will launch in a window that you can minimize and maximize at will. That's all Enjoy & Don't say goodbye because I'm comming with an similar but totally different trick...

Make your Android to look like an Sony Xperia's UI

Hey Guys I Brought an awesome and simple trick to convert your Android's interference to look like an Sony Xperie's UI Yes, now its easy to make your android look like very similar to An Sony Xperia Phone... If you didn't have Sony phone then also you can do it easily in Any android running on v4.4+ Android Operating System(AOS). Just you have to download and install the following APKs. And by running all these apps you can experience almost all type of featurs of Xperia... Download From Below: Android APKs : 1.Xperia Home (launcher):  Click Here 2.Walkman Xperia Music Player:  Click Here 3.Xperia Album(Gallery):  Click Here 4.Xperia Photo Editor:  Click Here 5.Xperia Video Player:  Click Here 6.Xperia Keybord Apk:  Click Here 7.Xperia Wigets:  Click Here 8.Xperia Calender:  Click Here 9.Xperia Weather:  Click Here 10.Xperia Movie Creator:  Click Here 11.Xperia Clock:  Click Here 12.Xperia Email:  Click Here Sorry for alt...

Learn These 5 Programming Languages To Enter Into Any Software Company...

The software is one of the most vital part of the technological world and to develop or implement any software you need to have enough amount of knowledge about the programming language used in making of this revolution changing software. There are numbers of programming languages to learn but few of them are very useful for designing a software. Here is the comprehensive list of 5 Programming Languages that will help you understand which programming language is useful for what purpose. There are numbers of programming languages to learn but few of them are very useful for designing a software. Here is the comprehensive list of 5 Programming Languages that will help you understand which programming language is useful for what purpose. 1 Java link: ( ) Java was invented back in 90’s and since then it has been the most influential language in the history of computer science. There are numerous softwares developed by Java that has dominated the...

Top 10 YouTube Channels To Learn Programming And Coding...

Top 10 YouTube Channels To Learn Programming And Coding   Here is the list of top ten youtube channels 1. TheNewBoston A guy named Bucky Roberts own this channel. There are many courses available like python web crawler, JavaFX Java GUI Design Tutorials, Computer Networking, and much more in this channel. This channel has about 4,000+ videos on different languages, courses tutorials. 2. Derek Banas This youtube channel is famous for explaining courses like any programming language, in just a single video. Many people would love to understand the whole concept of the programming language in one video. You can get the idea about the course in short time. So if you’re one of them, then this channel is for you. Well not only that, this channel also has many other programming languages videos arranged in a playlist. 3. Learn If you’re looking for a ...

How To Remove Pendrive/Fleshdrive Shortcut Virus?

Remove Pendrive/Fleshdrive Shortcut Virus. Step-1 Click Start Button Step-2 Search CMD Step-3 Right Click on CMD and Run as administrator              Step-4  Write attrib  -h  -r  -s  /s  /d  g:\*.*          Note - g: drive name

How to Format Pen Drive With Command?

Pen Drive Format With Command. Step-1  Press Windows key + R (Open Run Box). Step-2  Write Diskpart. Step-3  Write  List  Disk. Step-4  Write  Select disk 1 or 2. Step-5  Write  clean. Step-6  Write  Create Partition Primary. Step-7  Write  active. Step-8  Write  Format  fs=ntfs or fat32 quick.                            " Thanks "

How to Hide All Drives in your Computer?

Hidden All Drive Your Computer. Step-1    Press Window key + R  (open Run Box). Step-2    Write gpedit.msc. Step-3    Click Ok. Step-4    Dual Click on user Configuration. Step-5    Dual Click on Administrative Templates. Step-6    Dual Click on Windows Components. Step-7    Dual Click on Windows Explorer. Step-8    Dual Click on Hide these specified drives in My Computer. Step-9    Click on Enabled. Step-10    Click on Apply. Step-11    Click on ok .                                            (Show Computer) 

How to create Folder Without Name?

Create Folder Without Name. Method - 1 Step-1  Create New Folder                 (ctrl+ shift+n). Step-2  Press alt + 255 . Method - 2 Step-1  Create New Folder (ctrl+ shift+n). Step-2  Right Click on New Folder. Step-3  Click Rename. Step-4  Right Click Name Box. Step-5  Click insert Unicode control                       character. Step-6  Click on LRM (left-to-right mark)