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How to ROOT Android mobile Hello friends, Now a days to Root an android device is become an important factor of hacker’s life. All needed hacking application requires root access. So in this article you will learn that how to root an android mobile. Complete your Requirement and follow the steps properly. REQUIREMENTS: Download Kingroot.  Click here to download. Fast Internet. [At least 3G] Patience   STEPS: STEP1: Install that downloaded app. STEP 2: Open and click on  Try it . STEP 3: After verifying process, click on  START ROOT . STEP 4: Wait upto 100%. [Patience is required here. Depend on your internet speed.] When this screen come to you then understand that your mobile is rooted successfully. All done……… You have rooted your android mobile. Now you can use hacking apps which need root access


Hack Facebook account by PHISHING (WEBHOSTING) It is a process to create a fake page of any website which feels and look like original website and sending to victim. By entering details by the victim, the details comes to us. It is some long method but good method. Step 1: You will need these files in next steps. Download these files from  here Step 2: Now go to free hosting sites. There are many but I used to use 000Webhost. Now create your account signing up there. After signing up, confirm your account with confirmation link sent in your e-mail. Sign up  here . Step 3: Now login your account. Step 4: Click on create new account. Step 5: Create your domain name and fill required information. Step 6: Now go to Control Panel and then click on File Manager. Step 7: Click on public_html. Step 8: Delete default.php file and click on upload. Step 9: Now upload your downloaded files. Now your phishing page is ready. Your phishing l...


FACEBOOK HACKING(PHISHING) It is a process to create a fake page of any website which feels and look like original website and sending to victim. By entering details by the victim, the details comes to us. Now follow the following steps: Step 1: Create your wapka account by  signing up Step 2: After creating your account, Login your account  here . Step 3: Click on  create new Site . Step 4: Give your site name and click on  Submit . Step 5:Click on website that you have created and then click on  Admin Mode . Step 6: Then click on  Edit site . Step 7: Now click on  WML/HTML code . Step 8: Now copy codes from link and paste there. Download codes file. Step 9: Now click on  save .  Now your phishing page is ready. Send your site link to your victim and get their passwords. Passwords will come into your mail account.


How to hack Facebook account with HTML code editing.    It is not any special method. It is just a trick to retrieve password saved in any browser. You have to do these simple steps to see the saved password. Step 1: Right click on password field and click on Inspect Element. Notice the password coding. Step 2: Now double click on password and replace it by text. Step 3: Close that Inspect Element and you will see that password has appeared.          All Done……Enjoy Hacking……….


Run MULTIPLE Whatsapp Hello friends, now a days everyone wants to run multiple whatsapp on their android device. Here is solution to run multiple whatsapp on your android. This article is based for rooted android device. Requirement: 2Lines of Wazzap.  DOWNLOAD Now follow these steps to run multiple whatsapp: STEP 1: Open app and give  root permission  for app. STEP 2: Now click on  OK  on that cookies pop-up. Default option is your 1 st  whatsapp account. STEP 3: Click on  + (plus) sign. STEP 4: Give any name and press  OK . STEP 5: Now  complete whole process  as you know how to register the whatsapp account. Your second whatsapp account is created. If you want to create more accounts then follow steps again from STEP 3 to STEP 5. Thanks…….


How to hack accounts by SPYING Android mobile Hello friends, many persons want to hack their friends social accounts and email accounts. In this article, you will learn syping method to access your victim’s android device. Don’t go to steps. This is so simple trick. It is looking long because I have given in details. To hack anyone’s account we need the verification of that person and this is our problem that we unable to verify. By this method, you will easily be able to hack their social and email accounts. Features: Call List Messages GPS location Auto Answer Requirement Victim’s mobile of your hand only for once. Truth Spy app. Download from  here . Patience Now follow these steps on your PC or mobile…… STEP 1: Create an account on My Truth spy by  clickinghere . Now Take Victim’s mobile and follow the steps: STEP 2:  Install  the truth spy on his mobile. ( You can send him while sending any songs of images to him) STEP 3: A mes...


How to create Whatsapp group Invitation link [Now available in Original Whatsapp also] Hello friends, now you can create your own group invitation link in whatsapp to add members themselves. If you want to create a group invitation link then read all. It is very simple method. Below, the page is looking long because I have given in full details with screenshots. Requirements:  You must be  Admin  of that group. Whatsapp Nano .  Click here  to download. Patience. STEP 1: Go to that  group  which you want to create a link. STEP 2: Click to  menu  (i.e. 3 dots). STEP 3. Click on  Group info . STEP 4: Click on  Add participant.. STEP 5:  Here, click on  Invite to group via link .                                                 STEP 6:  Copy  the given link.    ...